
招聘 | 联合国教科文组织驻华代表处教育部门招聘

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Title: National Associate Program Officer (Education for Health and Well-being)

Type of ContractProject Appointment

Grade: NOB

Organizational Unit: UNESCO Beijing Office

Primary Location: UNESCO Beijing

Recruitment open to: Only candidates resident in China may apply for this post

Duration of the Contract: 1 Year renewable subject to performance, budget and continued need of the post

Deadline (midnight, local time): 18 February, 2022 

Overview of the Functions of the Post:


UNESCO’s mission is to contribute to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information. The UNESCO Office in Beijing was established in 1984, and it is now representing UNESCO in the North-East Asian countries in all five programmes (Education, Natural Sciences, Social and Human Sciences, Culture, Communication and Information).

Description of Responsibilities:

Under the overall authority of the Director of the UNESCO Beijing Cluster Office and the direct Supervision of the Programme Specialist Education, the incumbent will asssist in the implementation of the Office Programme in relation to UNESCO’s Strategy on Education for Health and Well-being and updates to it, encompassing 1) UNESCO’s role as a cosponsor of UNAIDS (and in full alignment with the UNAIDS Strategy currently in force) and support to countries in the HIV response, including HIV and comprehensive sexuality education; and 2)  ensuring that children and young people have access to safe, inclusive, gender-equitable and health promoting learning environments within a context of school health, and addressing school violence and bullying and support for mental health and psychosocial well-being of all learners.  Such efforts and related activities will be within all cluster countries of the Beijing office in close coordination with the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education and Regional Health and Education Advisor, and UNESCO’s Section for Health and Education at HQ.

1. In cooperation with the national authorities (MOE, Natcom, Health, NGOs), the Education Specialist contributes to the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of UNAIDS UBRAF projects and Education for Health and Well-being related projects in China, Japan, Mongolia, South Korea and DPRK in close coordination with the relevant parts of UNESCO, in particular at regional and HQ levels;2. In close liaison with the Progam Speciliast, keep regular contact with the Ministries of Education and National Commissions in the 5 Cluster Countries and support the use of data where available to inform policy and  country  implementation of programmes and policies in the area of Education for Health and Well-being, including the areas described in the UNESCO Strategy and fully aligned to UNAIDS UBRAF activities and Regular Programme and other extrabudgetary funded activities;3. As guided by the Education PS, contribute to the use of data, evidence and good practices to support efforts within the cluster countries for policy formulation, policy and programme strategy development and implementation in respect of the programmatic focuses described above, drawing on UNAIDS, UNESCO, UN, DHS and other sources of data where it exists, and including support to countries to increase the resilience of the education sector to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and future infectious disease outbreaks;4. As designated by the office, coordinate UNESCO Beijing office inputs in the UN Country Teams joint work plans in China, DPRK and Mongolia in the related areas within the UN Inter-Agency mechanisms.5. In coordination with Director, act as office focal point with the national authorities in related areas by holding timely  review and consultation meetings in China and Mongolia;

6.  Assist the Director and Education Programme Specialist in development of the concept notes and elaborate project logical frameworks projects for fund raising related to education for health and well being and including the response to COVID-19 and future infectious disease outbreaks in accordance with the resource mobilization strategy;

7.  Perform any other related tasks as may be requested by the Education PS and the Director of the UNESCO Beijing Cluster office.  


Required Qualifications


Master’s degree in related sciences or humanities, including education, health education, social sciences or policy studies in support of UNESCO’s Strategy on Education for Health and Well-being and its components.

Work Experience

  • A minimum of 2 years of education and coordination related experience at the national policy level or in UN system, including support for the use of data to inform policy and programmes.

  • Knowledge of experience in joint programming for SDG4.

Skills /  Competences

  • Demonstrating/safeguarding ethics and integrity;

  • Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment;

  • Self-development, initiative-taking;

  • Facilitating and encouraging open communication in the team, communicating effectively;

  • Demonstrate the competencies of accuracy, tact, courtesy and flexibility;

  • Operates in compliance with UNESCO’s rules and regulations.


  • Excellent knowledge of English and Mandarine (oral and written)


Benefits and Entitlements

  • Benefits include: 2.5 days of leave per month.

  • Please note that UNESCO is a non-smoking Organization.



How to Apply

Interested candidates should submit their application (including cover letter and CV) in English to UNESCO Beijing office jobvacancy@unesco.org using UNESCO CV form available on this link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1hUQpEtOq1DnmD2PSSyJEww. (click "read more" to download.) The deadline is 18 February 2022 at midnight (local time).





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